Friday, February 29, 2008
9:28 PM
its 29 feb people!!!!
i always wanted a friend whose birthday falls on this day.
i dono y... but i just wish i will find one in the future.
i wanna know how she feels on her birthday that comes once every four years.
dono whether its a curse or a blessing.
but i think its blessing in disguise.
anyway, happy birthday to all 29 feb babies in the world :)
today...busy busy busy..
for the next one week its gonna be busy coz there is leadership training camp(LTC) dry run and the camp itself! then... must prepare for Ogl training and then Freshmen Orientation!!! GOD! there goes my 6 week break.
and i was thinking that i could escape to paradise after exams.
Thursday, February 28, 2008
5:33 PM
good day mate!
yeah. great day for me. today, 28 February 2008..... its historical. wahahaha:P
MERDEKA!and its official.
exams finally ended.
my one month dream.
freedom at last.
I've done my part now, its up to god.
May all go well.
Im not gonna comment how well or how poorly i did my exams.
its useless.
but... i wanna thank a few people.
The people that helped through this one month journey
*dad- for your ever encouraging words. don worry dad. im here for you.
*mom- i mean you did so much for me to mention. you are one great lady.
*elder bro- bro, u rock my world la. thanks for being my support and backbone.
*twin bro- Ram, thanks a million! u helped me alot with BPT.
The relationship we share is a very funny thing. I hate him as much as i love him. you get it? coz i dont. really.
*friends - Shu Fung/Yamonee/Nicholas and others that helped me.Thanks you for answering my questions and going through pass year paper answers with me and for letting me photocopy the tutorials!!! :P
Special thanks to Hendro!! wad happen was ... i was stuck at this question in the mol gen
past year paper...i msgd hendro to see whether he can help.. he gave his email add and asked
me to write to him. i was kinda lazy la.. so i didn't do it... that night, he gave me a call to check
whether the question had been answered! sweet rite!wahahahaha. thanks Hendro !!! :)
exams might be over...but there is still tons of stuffs to do. Mainly scl club stuffs.
over this 6 week break, alot of things are about to happen and hopefully all goes smoothly!
before i end this post, check out this video. Its from the indian students who are studying in Monash University. Its a darn hillarious clip. For indians, you will get the whole joke. For my other friends... you will also get the joke la but some aprts got indian movie scenes la.. thats y...if you are free watch it ok!
Monday, February 25, 2008
10:29 PM
guess wad?got a call from the SAO office today.they found ram's lost bag.wahahahah.alittle too late la coz i finshed my examsbut still god listened and gave me back my file.:)thank you god.*********sometimes it's better to let one point in your lifeyou will learn that wadever happensits for your own goodand let nature take its course.
Friday, February 22, 2008
8:07 PM
yesterday something interesting happened.just after i blogged, mom said we had to go to temple coz it was a special dayi was like... ok... so my mom, elder bro and I went to temple...just when we finished praying... and as we were walking out of the temple,we saw this good looking chap... around his 20s with his new black audi car!omg. co incindentallay... me and my bro were like talking so much about the car earlier that day..he was like saying he wanted to buy one and all...and when we saw the car with the white head lights ah.... we were melting la. dammmmmmn nice. (now i see y shang feng is attracted to cars) :Poh i received a forwarded mail from andrew.... and it was damn touching la and i really liked it... for those who don't value your family members..... i hope after reading this you appreciate the things they do for you.F A M I L Y
I ran into a stranger as he passed by,
'Oh excuse me please' was my reply.
He said, 'Please excuse me too;
I wasn't watching for you.'
We were very polite, this stranger and I.
We went on our way and we said goodbye.
But at home a different story is told,
How we treat our loved ones, young and old.
Later that day, cooking the evening meal,
My son stood beside me very still.
When I turned, I nearly knocked him down.
'Move out of the way,' I said with a frown.
He walked away, his little heart broken.
I didn't realize how harshly I'd spoken.
While I lay awake in bed,
God's still small voice came to me and said,
'While dealing with a stranger,
Common courtesy you use,
But the family you love, you seem to abuse.
Go and look on the kitchen floor,
You'll find some flowers there by the door.
Those are the flowers he brought for you.
He picked them himself: pink, yellow and blue.
He stood very quietly not to spoil the surprise,
You never saw the tears that filled his little eyes.'
By this time, I felt very small,
And now my tears began to fall.
I quietly went and knelt by his bed;
'Wake up, little one, wake up,' I said. '
Are these the flowers you picked for me?'
He smiled, 'I found 'em, out by the tree.
I picked 'em because they're pretty like you.
I knew you'd like 'em, especially the blue.'
I said, 'Son, I'm very sorry for the way I acted today;
I shouldn't have yelled at you that way.'
He said, 'Oh, Mom, that's okay.
I love you anyway.'
I said, 'Son, I love you too,
And I do like the flowers, especially the blue.'
Are you aware that if we died tomorrow, the company
That we are working for could easily replace us in
A matter of days.
But the family we left behind will feel the loss
For the rest of their lives.
And come to think of it, we pour ourselves more
Into work than into our own family,
An unwise investment indeed,
Don't you think?
So what is behind the story?
but please, do not forget about your siblings :)
Thursday, February 21, 2008
5:56 PM
hey people!!im back after going through hell.practically.out of 7 papers... 4 papers ended!! :DGREAT NEWS!hahaha.i am very tired and have panda eyes!!!! LOL. never mind. today exam ended at 11 am... wanted to go home and sleep.. ...but......elder bro called me to go out with him... and how on earth can i say NO! i went along... it was fun going out with him after a very very long time! we went to amk all along! hahaha. then we talked about the future..making all sorts of nonsensical plans... and also about ineteresting topics... some of the topics include: India's richest people.... world's best universities... songs... dreams and etc etc etc... tooooooooooo many to mention! hahaha. he's a great company la coz im sure most of u know i am not a very quiet person....hahahaha:Pi cant really blog peacefully coz i got 3 more freaking papers left and 2 of them i'm suspecting are gonna be HARD. i mean killer papers... so i better get some rest and get my ass to start studying. before i go.. check out ram charan tej...he's a telugu actor... and he's awesome!he acted in the movie chirutha and that was his first one... but all i can say is he's too good :)here is my favourite shot of him from his intro song...
Now, will someone please pass me a fan!!! :P
tata!! :)
Saturday, February 16, 2008
10:39 PM
today was awesome!!!was it my lucky charm?! :P
Friday, February 15, 2008
11:43 PM
i lost all my Protein Tech tutorials, lab reports and own notes :(
ram lost his bag and it was in his bag! he lost it at NYP mac...HAIZ!!! it was a black puma bag... he lost it at night, after dinner.
i want my blue file back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! all my hardwork gone.
if anyone saw it please do let me know!!!i need that for exams!!
GOD. help me.
Thursday, February 14, 2008
8:17 PM
someone wants to tell you how much they care
someone wants to stay up watching old movies with you
someone wants to share their dreams with you
someone wants to hold you in their arms
someone wants YOU to hold them in your arms
someone treasures your spirit
someone wishes they could STOP time because of you
someone can't wait to see you
someone wishes that things didn't have to change
someone wants to be with you
someone hears a song that reminds them of you
someone wants you to know they are there for you
someone is glad that you're their friend
someone wants to be your friend
someone stayed up all night thinking about you
someone is alive because of you
someone is wishing that you would notice them
someone wants to get to know you better
someone believes that you are their soul mate
someone wants to be near you
someone misses your guidance and advice
someone values your guidance and advice
someone has faith in you
someone trusts you
someone needs your support
someone needs you to have faith in them
someone needs you to let them be your friend SOMEONE LOVES YOUsomeone loves you for who you are someone loves the way you make them feel ;the list of love does not stopHappy Valentine's Day to everyone At this point in time, i would like to say a big I LOVE YOU to all my friends <3*hugs*
Sunday, February 10, 2008
12:33 PM
study break is killing me.
the thought of studying whole of feb is killing!
damn these 7 papers. lol.
moving on to something nicer, many things happened these few days.
Im just not in the postion to let out... when the time comes i will :)
yesterday....i saw this chinese movie on tv. so funny sia.
Its about how a girl lost her husband in a mahjong game and how she wins him back with the very mahjong game! all the dead serious part of the movie was also funny coz the script was written that way! Like for example, after the girl lost her husband, she will climb on top of this tall building to kill her self. Just then, in the opposite building, this old man will be playin mahjong and asks her " are u in a rush to die? care for a game or two of mahjong?!" i was like... wad the!!! hahaha.
and today another movie... this time an indian movie.. actually saw this movie before already..but i liked the story line... so no harm watching it again.. it's titled Jillunu Ooru Kadhal.
Its about this guy who loved a girl named Ishu(haha. yea. we share the same name :P) in the college and got married to her.... but then the Ishu's dad separated them..then he will marry another girl, Kundhavi according to his uncle's wish. When Kundhavi reads about his college diary she will arrange for Ishu and her husband to meet aftr 6 yrs...
I mean its a full lengthed love story la with awesome songs!hahaha[To my chinese friends out there, please don't think that the song revolves around a tree!]
come to think of many lucky people get to live with their true love?!ehem ehem... lets not think too far... for this valentines if you are celebratng it with your true heartfelt congratulations!! :)
for the other singles like me... don need to rush to find a valentine yeah?!its all day he/she will surely appear and blow you away! :)... but say if you are really depressed this vday... gimme a call! i'll cheer you up! and believe me... i'm kinda good in that :P
lotsa love.
Thursday, February 7, 2008
7:46 PM

today's post is dedicated to yamoneee!!
happy birthday dear yamonee!!its been two years since we've met and i have never regretted meeting you!
Let me tell you 5 interesting facts about her:
1. She finishes her soup before even touching her noodles!
2. She gets super hyper when she doesn't get enough sleep
3. She will be talking to us normally but sometimes, all of a sudden she ends her sentence with this very ang moh english accent! and sometimes she doesn't even realize it!haha
4. she notices girls more than guys!
5.She is the only person on planet earth who knows she has personality disorder even before getting diagnosed! :P
but on top of all of these, i like her best when she says " RAM! better treat your sister nicely u know!" hahahaha. thanks darlz!! may this birthday bring you endless joy and happiness!
looking forward to our attachment in australia!haha :)
I love you yamoneeeee!
omg. i wasted 2 freaking days, and nothing is getting into my brains! :X
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
8:09 PM
hello people!!
i bet ya'll know about Wilmer's Yo' mama show. here are some of the jokes i found online. some were darn mean but i just picked out the funny ones. This is dedicated to all my MB friends who are madly studying. Chill ok!!haha
and please let me say that i really love my mom and i truly respect all the moms in the world. These are just merely jokes yeah. Please don't take them seriously. Be more open minded guys :)
ready??here we go!
Yo' momma's so poor, I went to her house and took down some cobwebs, and she said, "Who's tearing down the drapes?!"
Yo' momma's so poor, when I saw her kicking a cardboard box down the street, I asked what she was doing, and she said "Moving!"
Yo' momma was in NTUC with a box of plastic bags. I said, "What ya doin'?" She said, "Buying luggage!" {Singapore version}
Yo' momma's so poor, I came over for dinner and saw three cookies on the table; I took one, and she said "Don't be greedy!"
Yo' momma's so poor, I walked into her house, asked to use the bathroom, and she said, "Third tree to your right!"
Yo' momma's so poor, after I pissed in your yard, she thanked me for watering the lawn!
Yo' momma's so poor, burglars break in her house and leave money!
Yo' momma's so poor, the Somalians are sending HER food!
Yo' momma's so poor, she can't even afford to pay attention!
Yo' momma's so po', she can't even afford the "or"!
Yo' momma's so poor, when she wrote a check, the whole bank bounced!
had a great study break?
ok now go get back to ur books!!
and yeah, let me wish all my chinese friends...
HAPPY CHINESE NEW YEAR!!!!haiz. y chinese people only can give ang pau after they are married?!
please note ten years down the road i will be expecting ang pau from all my chinese friends! :)
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
9:39 PM
good lord!
its already nearing... this final year exams ahhh!
come to think of it i like this period coz time flies!
Today we had bioinformatics revision.
it was kinda intensive coz we really spent more than three hours with him today.
and guess wad?! we did more than bioinfo actually!
he taught us about relationships and stuffs. Maybe he sensed that my class needed the advise out of all the other MB classses!haha
i liked a few things that he said and would like to share it with ya'll....
For a successful relationship, be it with your friends or bf/gf or parents or siblings... you need to understand the other person's
language of love. If we could identify which language suits them the best and speak to them with that language, your relationship can be secured or improve if it is currently in a bad situation.
The five languages of love:1. Quality time - some people might want you to spend time with them2. Affirmation - some people might want you to let them know that you appreciate them.3. Gifts - some people expect gifts from you to make their day4.Physical touch - not necessarily sexual, but just normal hugs and kisses. Just to let them know that you are there for them5. He said you gotta buy the book if you wanna know! :(wad a wonderful thing eh?! i think its totally true la.
and i identified the language of love that i should use with my family members!
Dad- Affirmation
Mom- Quality time
Elder bro-Quality time
Ram- he's one of a kind. Im just needed when he needs my help :X Altho i frequently say i hate him, deep inside there is still this love for him coz after all he's my twin :)
If you are wondering wads my language of love.... hahahaha.... find out yourself yeah!! :P
besides that, he also said that you can learn to love anyone. Hmm... when he said that it made me think... i mean he just said it...but it some how made me think deeper. leave it...
but the one last thing he said that i totally agree was...
relationships are definitely harder than BIOINFORMATICS! hahaha. Hell yeah William!
with that smile on your face, i'll stop for now.
but there's more to come!
Monday, February 4, 2008
11:00 PM
hello people!
yeah, i am back.
please don't analyze the reason of me going and making a return now.
just be happy that i started blogging again :)
yeah, bad time to start blogging coz got exams coming up...
but do read when u are taking your break :P
today, was good.
Mr.Michael is so darn funny.
He really made our day during Protein tech lesson :)
and one more thing.
Happy Birthday FIL!!!may every moment from this 22nd be a blast!
no matter wad,
we love you :)
i'll catch ya'll soon :)