hello world.
these few days has been good!
i got a surprise from fellow SCL excos when i entered the club room a few days ago..
it was like super tidy la!
we left it like hell.... but my excos are great people... so they did a great job cleaning! :P
and then.. today morning... went to nyp to give a small talk
for parents of the new freshies..
but that wasn't the highlight...
the highlight was Mr Jay's talk!
he is so freaking funny!
kinda miss those lessons that we had with him!
and later today went for Mustangs BBQ cum Victoria's bday celebration!
it was awesome and super fun!
got the opportunity to take my mind off lotsa things.
laughed like mad.
since my blog is so deprived of pictures....
here are some to feast your eyes.
coz u don't get to see a whole row of pictures in my blog often!
*the whole group :)*
*birthday baby and I*
*my favourite pic of the nite :)*
*birthday baby and check out her Mustang cake!! :)*
*the ever so funny edgar!*
*the guy who said that my eyes can pierce thru his heart :)*
*the hot TM and cute Alisa*
*Val and Regina :)*
*Ah Foo... i take a pic of you and you take a pic of me..hahaha *
*crazy green guy, Jeff!*
*scandal of the nite :P*
if only forgetting was as easy as saying it.