Saturday, August 30, 2008
5:33 AM
to all the peeps going to australia, here's a msg:take care ya'll and im so sorry i cant be at the airport to send you off.but don worry! i will come to receive you all three months later and i make surei get my ass there! ;)i 'll miss my darlz like crazy :(be good and hope everything goes well for you all& lastly,WHAT HAPPENS IN AUSSIE STAYS IN AUSSIE! :P& to the rest in singapore,adios singapore.i will be back in a week.Till then,Much love.
Thursday, August 28, 2008
9:41 PM
& the long awaited day finally came!
lets say the magic word one more time...
(freedom in malay)
hell yeah babe!
280808 :)
awesome day!
exams finally ended at the stroke of 11.01 am (yeah 01!)
thennnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn..... met up with my class
for our final class gathering.
tsk tsk.
most of us will be heading in different ways.
its really really a sad thought.
so we as a class went to Aangan to "say goodbye" for the one last time.
im soooooooooo gonna miss the peeps who are going to australia!
i will miss shang feng's cold jokes...
filza's advices and gossip talks..
yamone's split personality acts and her hyper days
milan's funny jokes and her loud character
even nicholas!he's been such a good friend and i wont ever forget his help
when i was such a mess in packing for Ohio!hahaha
and constance too! her birthday is coming in september but we cant celebrate it together!
i still remember she came knocking on my door at 3am on my birthday to sing me
my birthday song... i asked her y 3am? she said she overslpet!hahaha. super cute la!
After lunch... went to to watch WALL-E with my darlz!
it was not too bad. with minimal dialogues. but i guess you have to connect with the character
to understand the story....
after that rushed to meet elder bro to do more shopping!hahaha
he was kinda pissed that i was a lil late... but i managed to make it up to him. :P
and and.. he got me this super nice dress!!!yeay! thats the second dress!
im saving that for india... so yeah..and i also got a pair of shoes!hahaha.
thats why i love shopping with my elder bro coz he is in my frequency! i told ya that he is the best bro in the whole world wad!!! :D
then we had dinner and headed home.
super tired now.. but yet to start packing!
tmr meeting up with all my darlz again for sentosa! :)
hope it doesnt rain!!!!!!!!!!!
and now, picture fiesta!gathering theme: Black / white dress (decided by us :P)so..let me introduce to you the fantastic six! and followed by some pics that we took for e day!
* Odd one out; but thumbs up to yamonee for her super cute top :P*

*the cherry sweet fil :)*

* The white chick, wawa! ;)*

*blue & white it is for the ever smiling one, Shu fung! :)*

*All sparkly in her first dress, Ishy :D*

*She loves the dark and oh yeah, mickey too!; thats amandy! :)*

*The white duo*

* The yellow pooh purse ends up getting the limelight!*

*best eva lab partner in the whole wide world and she's mine! hahaha :)*

*Yamoneeeee loves WALL-E and wawa settles with eva*
* why do all good things come to an end?*
dear MB 0602, you will be missed much.
thanks for all the sweet memories.
love ya'll! <3
Saturday, August 23, 2008
11:41 AM
thought i will just do a short update!3 down and only 2 more papers to gooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!OMG. cant wait! :)yesterday was fun!went out to amk to eat with wawa, shu fung and yamoneeeee darlz after the exam paperthen we went shopping!it just felt like all our papers ended.hahahand guess what?i bought a freaking dress!!!!!
yeah!hahaahaha. i cant believe it myself.since we are having our glass gathering on the 28th..friends all decided to have the dress theme....they really insisted that i should wear a dress too!so yeah.. after hours of choosing... and oh-so-endless visits to the fitting rooms..and after deliberating all the comments and critics the trio gave me...we did finally agree on this lovely white dress with black flowers and a black cardiganits not over the top or anything... its just a simple and nice dress that fits my taste.thats the first dress that im ever gonna wear!it was kinda odd trying out dressesbut it was so much fun!! time must go for more dress shopping with them!maybe for graduation dinner??hahaha. so yeah... before my attachment thats like gonna start in 15 daysive got 2 papers...2 to do.. and a trip to india with elder bro :)hope all goes fabulously!
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
10:56 PM
& just when i thought the world was coming to an end,little did i realize that it is gonna be a new beginning for me.i wont be here very much longer.wish to spend the rest of my time here to the best.& by the time you gone.
Thursday, August 14, 2008
10:54 PM
post- little india madness.
friends have updated their blogs with the pix.
im too lazy to grab the pix and repost in my blog... so go to wawa's and filza's blog
if you wanna get a glimpse.
got my final year project grouping.
omg la. im doing with Ah Foo, Wen Wen and Jun Jie
and supervised by Dr Mao.
super unexpected can?!
hahaha. hmmm. Dr Mao.. i know nuts about her... but wawa says shes a very nice person
so yeah...
hope all goes well.
besides that...nothing interesting happened la.
exams period la... haiz...
whole of august is dedicated to our final exam in NYP!
hahaha. feels so great! FINALE babeh.
oh..oh.. i bought 2 more of sophie kinsella's books!
hahahaha! yeay!
Shopaholic& sista and Shopaholic ties the knot!
call me crazy.
hahahaha. im not shopaholic but im Sophie-holic :)
before i fly off to inida for a week..
i hope i can go out with my five good friends
and have a class gathering.
coz i wont be seeing some of my darlz for 3 months.
off they go to australia!
and the remaining three are all attached to different places.
OMG. i just hope attachment goes well.
i'll be missing you guys
from next month onwards.. u'll be hearing more of my attachment.

* once upon a time *
Saturday, August 9, 2008
9:46 PM
how shall i start?
ok, perfect.
Happy Birthday Singapore!
you are 43 this year and i hope u have many more to come.
now, lets start shall we?
its gonna be a pretty long one with pictures some more.
ok. friday was interesting!
lets start off with Dr Henry and Shu Fung
Shu Fung rejected Dr Henry!
i mean his offer to work with his final year project....
she was kinda scared when she got to know her job scope.... to disect mice brains...
i agree.
but well, wad was stunning is... Dr Henry's reaction.
He was kinda disappointed i'd say.
from his facial expressions!
and alot of students just came asking....
like they were really eager to work with him
and here we have Ms shu fung... rejecting the offer.
Its like... the hottest guy in college asks u out but u say NO?
well. i don think so he is gonna give up on Shu Fung.
i mean who wouldn want shu fung as their student?
she is this brilliant and obidient student.
she gives this, shut-up-and-hire-me, u-will-not-regret-look!
hahahahaha :P
well, so much for that. Don worry Dr Henry, she will definitely work for ya :)
and then, we went to eat lunch and snapping photos in the auditorium!
hahaha. it was fun :)
and then attended the national day celebrations.
it was something different and nice.
foreign theatre play i suppose.
and Andrew rocked the stage and i suppose it took alot for Mr Thomas to go up there too.
all in all it was great fun!
then we went shopping at HeartLand mall.
and Wawa was the tour guide.
and there was this woman asking us fashion advice on whats nice and whats not on her.
it was kinda fun.
and guess what?
i bought 2 Sophie Kinsella books!!!!!
i feel like im gonna collect them.
she is such an amaizing writer!
and anyway, something happened today.
there was fire!
yes, bloody fire.
the cables outside my house were on fire.
i dont really know whats the cause but they were on fire.
i called the fire brigade and bro alerted the neighbours.
kinda shocking.
the fire brigade was awesome!
they arrived super fast!
it was spreading from the 10th floor... and i live on the 6th!
oh god.
thankfully all ended well.
and now, here are a few photos from the national day celebrations and shopping.
and btw, there are no pics on that fire incident.
u don expect me to be clicking away when there is a fire do you?

*lets start with the awesome 5*
Thursday, August 7, 2008
8:30 PM
phewwwwwwwwww.four modules completed. outta 9.5 more to go.and thats it.done with the freakin modules.i can ALMOST feel the sweet taste of victory!hahaha.yep. i am gonna victoriously complete the studying and memorizing part!hahahahaha.yeay!!!!!!!!!!!!got the attachment placing.i got wad i requested. a bioenterprise company.and best-est part is that its in Bishan!wohoooooooooooo!!hahaha. thats like darn near.:)but, attached alone sia.its kinda scary when u have to report to a totally new place ALONE.yeah. alone.hope the people and nice and i get a mighty nice supervisorwho will gimme an excellent grade for my attachment :)hahahawell, had a great day with my girl friends!filza, yamoneeee, shu fung, wawa, sly and I went exploring around India.i mean Little India.Had a fun timeeeeeeeeee!Had lunch at Komalas (wawa came to poly just for that!tsk.)haha. oh boy.... these girls just love the south indian food.i suggested we should go to some north indian cuisine next time!hahaha :)and and... the sweets. the hot favourite, gulab jamun!hahahathen started walking and walking and walking...through the street the 'thief market'( i didnt know such a place existed so far!)window shopping..then to bugis...i soooo wanted to get a bag sia.aiyahhhhhhh.was kinda disappointed that i couldnt find a bag that i liked.haiz.but had mango tango!ehem ehem. that kinda boosted my spirits a lil! was niceeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.:)roamed about 5-6 hours.we were so excited wawa goes, we were kecoh gils today! :Pbut wasted siakk... nvr bring camera.but took a few photos using fil's and shu fung's camera..will update the fotos when i get it from yeah....tmr national day celebrations in poly.its been fun for e past 2 and white it is!:)& back to proteomics report. the mega finale of all reports and presentations.MEGA FINALE.happiness will stay if you learn to see beyond the imperfections.i didn't learn my lesson too late.thank you god.please help me to pull through this tough time.
Saturday, August 2, 2008
9:46 PM
i want an angel.creating for me a whole new world.where are you my dear angel?i'm waiting.come soon please!call me crazy.& yea, i believe in angels