it just seems so quiet
it just seems so empty
life is a funny thing
altho there are so many people around you
you still feel like there are none
altho you have all the possible relationships
you still feel like there are none
how do u make people understand that you want them?
that u need them
i really dont know
some might just be too engaged in their personal commitments
im guessing the luckiest people on the planet are not the ones with the money
they are the ones whom their loved ones spend their times with
no matter how busy their loved ones are
no matter how tied up their loved ones are
just a small message from their loved one to them
really can make a great difference
well, im not as lucky
altho I have all the relationships
there is this empty feeling
the people I love the most are busy
and they are far far away from me
they are there in the happy times
but, wad about the sad times
little they realized that I need them more now
maybe its my fault
I dont speak up
but I dont want to spoil their fun
after all everyone wants to have a good time and enjoy themselves first
yes, the world is selfish
i agree
I wish for so many things
I wish my parents were here
I wish Ram would talk to me more
I wish I can go to dinner with my elder bro tonight
I wish I had a best friend
I wish this week will zoom past
I wish he was there for me no matter what
I wish he spends more time with me
I wish someone greets me with a hug when I come home
I wish someone will make me smile 24 hours
I wish someone will make me foreget loneliness
I just wish someone would hug me and say everything is gonna be alright ...
I need to clear my mind
I am pretty disturbed
I am going to my closest mate for now..
no matter wad..she is there for me.
She's my bed.
I need her now and need her badly